Qaulity icelandic water Imported to support Indigenous nations

Indigneous Communities true north source of the best water

Quality drinking water from the purest northern source

The purest quality water on the planet!

Flexible fulfilment solutions to support your communities

Bag in a box and Flexitank options - available immediately

water is every person's basic human right

iceland blue is supporting Indigenous communities across Canada


In November 2022, leaders from three Indigenous communities in Ontario and New Brunswick joined Iceland Blue's leadership as part of a delegation travelling to Iceland. Meetings were held with Iceland's First Lady Eliza Jean Reid, Canadian Ambassador to Iceland Jeannette Menzies, and many experts in water and volcanic purification.

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Iceland Blue and Indigenous Canada

engage, plan, execute
COllaborators for Indigenous Canada

Iceland Blue is a collaboration of First Nation Leaders, Canadian educational providers, Iceland water experts, and a group of passionate entrepreneurs focused on making a difference in the lives of others.

for Indigenous Peoples across Canada
Lets all work together!
Learn more about Water from Iceland
Pure Iceland water

Iceland is known worldwide, both as a safe and untainted source of natural and the world's most pristine and unpolluted Water Sources. Icelandic water is unique in taste and composition, having been naturally filtered through inert layer of lava rock. Our Water Sources are close to the shoreline and therefore convenient for export. These Sources are also self-sustaining providing an endless, uninterrupted source of water for all Indigenous Peoples across Canada.

Explore Iceland